Monday, February 28, 2011

Ouch.... and incubator thoughts.

So yesterday I didnt even mention that I hurt myself.

Bending down to pick up a little box I felt a rubberband twange type sensation in my lower back.
Woooweee! About put me on the ground! This morning I was in even more pain. My sweeheart helped me get dressed. A visit to the doc was in order. Muscle Relaxers, Painkillers and a steroid shot and I am home laid up. Moving hurts, walking is miserable, sitting... miserable. Laying down is uncomfortable, but I can find ways to lay that dont hurt. I am NOT liking this!
I am BORED....
So I am thinking of designs for an incubator... I have a almost new little giant incubator that the stryfoam was damaged where it cant be used. Um.. seems chickens think stryfoam is tasty...
I am trying to think of ways to use the guts of this incubator and make another nice one... wish I could move enough to get it done..haha.

But until then I shall think, and nap. Think its about naptime now.... meds are making me sleepy!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Today has been a heck of a day... and its not over yet!

We got moving early to get some work done outside before the wind picked up.   I got another pen set up for the little dog so I could get my chicken pen back.  (Now that they are back in their pen they keep escaping dang it!)
Hubby got the mower going and scalped part of the garden.  
We had to get ready for a benefit lunch we were asked to attend and the wind was picking up.
A strong howl by the time we got to lunch it was raging when we got home.
It has howled all day long.  
And the wildfires started all over the region.   5,000 acres burned west of us before contained,  as I type there are numerous out of control wildefires, Borger was evacuated we heard,  Matador evacuated and last report was Roaring Springs was under watch.   Fires by Earth, Colorado City, Midland, Post.
A few small fires in our immediate area.   The wind is dieing down finally,  but its hard to relax and I worry we wont get much sleep tonight.   So much dust in the air its coating my laptop as I type.  Its horrible!    

Saturday, February 26, 2011

2011 Garden and Farm Plan

OK I havent talked much in quite a while... but here I am!

Getting Spring fever!

Making lists of what I want to plant in the garden
Plotting some raised type beds
Changing the layout of my garden.
Plotting the fight against the weeds that will come

Just started researching something new to plant... mostly for the boys enjoyment...
The boy LOVES peanuts...
So I am going to try to grow our own!

Hopefully I can get motivated this weekend to clear out the raised bed and add some new loose soil...
Planning to plant:  Onions, Garlic, maybe Shallots.
Then: Spinach and Salad greens, lettuce etc.

Of course the usual plantings later. Tomatoes & Peppers. 
I also want to make an Asparagus bed.
Maybe try strawberries again... 

Maybe we will get the Husbands "garden" done...
He wants to make a spot out back for corn and watermelon and pumpkins.

Its a lot to get done in our spare time.

I have had the incubator running for a few days to test.  I just started getting eggs again... and our first duck egg.  
Today I am seperating the cochins
 and silkies and maybe the lone Gold Laced Wyandotte with a glw roo....  I lost my Americauna roo sadly so no purebreds from them this year like I had planned.

But its time to get moving!

About Me

Welcome to my little corner of the world! I am the Wife, Momma, Animal caretaker, Gardener, I am always doing something: Canning, cooking, baking, gardening, chicken duck & turkey raising... After my day job I cram in a whole other life!

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