Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stormy Thursday... Bright and sunny weekend ahead.

Nasty nasty storms rolled through last night. Tornado warnings and actual tornadoes ina few areas. Hail in massive amounts... 4-7inches up near Tulia.... yes 4-7 INCHES! They had to use snowplows. It was pretty scary at our house for alittle while, rotation over us, hail in the bucket loads.... Wind howling. One of the windows leaked.. I hate that. Cant figure out WHERE its leaking either.. but when the wind is blowing sideways things that dont leak seem to leak. I started blogging about all of it last night but we ended up bailing out and heading to the in laws to deposit Wild Thing at their house for the night. They have a basement and we dont. He loves it.

I plan to try to get part of the garden done this weekend. Tomatoes in. A few other things maybe too. Haul cinderblocks out to the garden for a new bed I am making. Hunt down some giant sunflower seeds. I think I will plant a big row of them on the south side to shield the garden some. Need some potting soil for my big metal tubs that are going to be planted with herbs. I bought an oregano, parsley, globe basil(new to me) , and something else I cant remember. I want mint and a few other herbs. Need to convince RRC to finish another section of his picket fence around the front so I can take the cattle panel fencing thats there and use it in the garden.
We also get to clean house. Yikes the rain makes a mess. Muddy paw prints etc. There is so much to get done. I think if theres no chance of storms the baby chickens will go out for the first time and the ducks will spend the weekend outside. Maybe move the house chicklets out into the brooder. I swear some of the eggs in the incubator were chirping this morning. It think hatch day is the 20th or 21st. Since one egg hatched 4 days into incubation I am expecting anything...haha.

I am trying to come up with a low budget way to pen up RRC's heeler outside. He wigged out during the storms again and this time destroyed the tray to his crate. Chomped it to peices. Destructive nuerotic beast. Cant leave him loose in the house, cant leave him outside.

So much to do an the weekends are so short...

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About Me

Welcome to my little corner of the world! I am the Wife, Momma, Animal caretaker, Gardener, I am always doing something: Canning, cooking, baking, gardening, chicken duck & turkey raising... After my day job I cram in a whole other life!

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